Index No. 1 collected resources from early in Pose Ponder’s publishing history. Here’s a second collection.
For new subscribers, Pose Ponder publishes weekdays for three weeks on, then one week off. Writing daily is hard work, and I need time to immerse in my reading, catch up on my language studies (Korean and classical Chinese), organize travel, and tend to my garden. Not to mention plot and plan.
The Friday before I leave you, I gather up a few older posts you might have missed. Today’s index is a second roundup of resources. Other indices collect posts on various topics. I tag all indices as “meta” posts.
Have a great break and see you in a week!
P.S. — On Saturday mornings, per usual, you’ll get the weekly round-up. Included are instructions for changing your subscription settings, if you prefer to receive weekly rather than daily emails.
Our World in Data
Biomimicry Institute
The Wonder of Wondrium
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