Welcome back after the break. Today is Intro-Meta Monday offering a short preview of what’s to come here at Pose Ponder over the next three weeks. Pose Ponder publishes daily on weekdays, 3 weeks on, 1 week off.
My Arendt reading course on The Human Condition, guided by
via the Brooklyn Institute, finally starts this week and continues for a month. It’ll be an intense period of reading and writing for me, some of which will end up here on Pose Ponder. Re: Arendt, I highly recommend Sam’s 20 Tuesdays series.Dan’s and my collaborative reading of Angus Fletcher’s Storythinking is ongoing. We’re up to chapter 3. Here are chapter 1 and chapter 2. Fletcher’s main idea is to contrast logical thinking with the role narrative plays for humans, not only to communicate ideas but to explore the possibilities of alternative action.
I’m hoping to convince
to lead a Federalist reading group later this summer/fall, so if that sounds intriguing, please drop a comment below to encourage us and make suggestions. Likely topics include the three branches of government, separation of powers, party/faction, a federalist system balancing centralized government and the states, and the role of agencies (administrative state). My hope is to combine a rigorous historical approach with attention to present-day debates. Stephen is also a big fan of Hannah Arendt, so expect her framing of the centrality of political action to factor in.Finally, I’m working hard on my business project, which is shaping up to be a community of practice dedicated to lifelong learners on a mission. I’m adapting Pondercraft techne to be available to all serious readers, writers, travelers, and “TLCs” (teachers, leaders, coaches). You can now put your name on the list!
I’m always happy to hear from readers. Get in touch and let me know what you’re up to.
I signed up. This seems like "another thing", which we've chatted about in the past. Looking forward to seeing how it develops! --Dan